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Week of January 27th

Important Dates:

January 28th-2nd Grade Field Trip to Fire Safety Village

January 29th-Spirit Wear Wednesday

January 31st-80's Foundation Dance

Grammar: We will be working this week on simple and compound sentences. A simple sentence contains a subject and a predicate, but a compound sentence contains more than one subject and more than one predicate.

Phonics: We will be working on homophones with long a sound. A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning. A homophone may also differs in spelling. Students will need to know the meanings of the following words: made, maid, male, mail, sail, sale, plane, plain, pain, and pane. Red words for the week are: group, above, whole, watch. Please practice red words at home. Red words do not follow learned patterns or rules. Therefore it is important to memorize how to spell them. We do not sound these words out. We identify them by letter names. Example: was w-a-s not /w/ /u/ /z/. Practice at home writing the words in fun ways, tracing them, or even jumping them out.

*Phonics assessments are on Thursday. The new phonics rule is introduced on Friday.

Reading: We will be working on comparing and contrasting stories. We will learn to identify the central message, lesson, moral, and point of view of a story.

Writing: This 9 weeks we will be working on opinion writing. An opinion is a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

Math: We will be working on dollar and coins word problems. Please continue working at home on counting coin and even identifying coins.

*Timed addition and subtraction test are normally given on Wednesdays.

Social Studies: This week will be learning about another Georgia Hero, Juliette Gordon Low. Juliette Gordon Low was the founder of Girl Scouts of the USA.

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